ESG Transformation: Conversation Series

The Third Wheel (ESG Australia) EP31: Climate Governance Forum 2023 – a call to action

Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

Melanie Debenham and Timothy Stutt wrap up their reflections on this year’s Climate Governance Forum, hosted by the AICD and the Climate Governance Initiative Australia. Kicking off with a keynote from Mike Cannon-Brookes and followed by sessions on mandatory reporting, transition planning, greenwashing risks and an address by Senator Jenny McAllister (Assistant Minister for Climate Change), the day was rounded out with discussions on understanding stakeholder expectations and the role for boards in addressing biodiversity and nature. Speakers underlined not only the urgency of the issues but in seizing the opportunities in making climate action core business strategy.

For more, read our latest legal briefing on Australia’s proposed mandatory climate reporting regime ( and short podcast series Reporting for Duties (