ESG Transformation: Conversation Series
ESG Transformation: Conversation Series
The Third Wheel (ESG Australia) EP42: Climate reporting – the preparation starts now
Anna Coroneo and Isabella Kelly cast aside Third Wheel tradition to have a one-on-one discussion about some of the key aspects of Australia’s incoming climate reporting regime. From directors’ declarations to modified liability and assurance, Anna and Isabella discuss the uplift required of organisations as they prepare for the new requirements. They highlight what can be done now – from gaps analysis to data gathering – to front end the work to get ready for the regime. They emphasise the importance of strong governance and oversight around forward-looking disclosures, and touch on how mandatory disclosure requirements in other jurisdictions are coming into play as multinational organisations seek to streamline their compliance efforts.
For more, check out Herbert Smith Freehills’ limited podcast series, Reporting for Duties, providing bite-sized insights on how companies are preparing to report under Australia’s future mandatory climate-related reporting regime